Thursday, November 18, 2010


The primary MX7 Express compensation program is based on the subscription to any of our digital product packages. Anybody can join MX7 Express for free due to its social network aspect. However, if you desire to make money from MX7 Express, you have to subscribe and upgrade to a digital product package. 

Every month or year, subscribers pay for their subscriptions to an MX7 Express product package. Each time your subscribers pay their subscriptions, you earn. And each time your subscribers re-subscribe, you earn again! So you can earn month after month after month (or year after year after year) from the subscriptions of the same people. 

There are 2 ways to earn from digital products:


Earn P100 (from monthly subscribers) or P1,000 (from yearly subscribers) from the subscription payments of persons whom you directly refer to MX7 Express. You can refer as many as you are able. If they pay again their subscriptions the following months or years, you earn from them again and again and again.
Earn P100 or P1,000 each time there is a subscription payment in your left group matched by a subscription payment in your right groupp. Recurring subscription payments will make you earn from this bonus again and again and again.
A monthly subscription on the left can match with a
monthly subscription on the right to earn US$2 (P100)
An annual subscription on the left can match with an
annual subscription on the right to earn US$20 (P1,000)
Good News! An annual subscription can also match with monthly subscriptions. One annual subscription is equal to 10 monthly subscriptions. Thus, 10 monthly subscriptions in one side can match with 1 annual subscription on the other side to earn P1,000.
The left and right structures do not have to be the same in order to have left and right matches, as seen from the diagram below. As long as there is one left and 1 right there will be a match and the matching bonus will be paid out.
Unlike other 2-sided pay plans, the MX7 Express system is fully stable and built for the long term. It accomplishes 100% stability by limiting the number of commissionable pairs that a single account can earn. Each account can earn a potential monetary value of P1 million per month meaning if your left and right group of subscribers reach 10,000 pairs and they pay their subscription fees every month, you can earn from them P1 million every month.
See how you can earn P1 million per month per account just by referring 2 subscribers who each refer 2 subscribers, and so on...